Sabin Aell: Wanderlust

 My work is about inner landscapes of the mind relating to outer landscapes: Landscape is in transition constantly and so are we. When people move and float to different countries, places, nature settings — they collect an emotional pattern that describes the sensation and ideas that stayed with them when thinking about their experience within the different settings and locations. WanderLust is about movement, memory and interchanging competing storylines of the meanings of landscape and mind which are flexible and dynamic: landscape as free from change, landscape as outside the reach of modern technology, landscape as a refuge from the daily worries associated with wealth and high culture. Landscape is a culturally shared environment, it is where we grow up and live, it is our woods, mountains, waters, and fields. Using it with organic shapes, colors and patterns found outside in nature in front of my camera translates my thoughts into visual descriptions and sets the mood for my story.

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